This has been a very packed-full two weeks in my Interventions in Biomedical Sciences course. Last week, we began our discussions about our upcoming research paper. This paper will be around 25 pages and will cover the topic of our Field of Interest. I have decided to focus on Emergency Medicine for my Field of Interest this year. My paper will be divided into seven sections: Introduction, History, Procedures, Technology, Careers, Modern Dilemmas/Ethics, and Conclusion. My paper will be formatted using the APA style which we discussed at length during class. To begin formatting our papers, Mrs McCleery had us complete an outline and a "Bubbl". This "blubbl" is created using a website that allows you to create a map or "family tree" like structure that creates a blueprint for essays. This was a fun process as I got to match my bubbl branches with my color coded notecards and truly begin to see my paper come to life. I have begun to put together notes and sources for each section of my paper.
These last two weeks were not totally focused on writing, though. We got to begin learning about moulage. Mrs McCleery began to teach us about how to create fake wounds, particularly bruises. We will use this knowledge and more when our class participates in trauma day at the University of South Alabama, serving as "patients" for the students there. Unfortunately, this past week was very busy for me as I have been competing in the Regional Finals with my volleyball team (we are State bound!). While I was away, my class learned about the chemistry behind making pancakes. They competed with the sophmore chemistry class to see who could make the fluffiest pancakes using our own recipes. I am a little salty (puns..ha!) that I did not get to participate in this lab with them, but I am sure that there is more fun waiting for me in the future.
Here's a photo of my bubbl!
