This week was a fun, activity filled week in my Interventions in Biomedical Sciences Class! We began this week with a discussion post assignment about Digital Object Identifiers, or DOIs. DOIs are used to streamline the process of locating an online source from a citation in an essay. We will be using DOIs in our citations on our upcoming Field of Interest Paper. This paper will cover a wide range of information relating to our Field of Interest, mine being Emergency Medicine. We are now beginning our preparations for this paper by studying the history of our Field of Interest. We created five flashcards full of information about our field to keep for future reference!
For our skills lab this week, we focused on the different positions patients are place in a bed during surgery/other medical procedures or while at rest in a hospital. The positioning of a patient in a bed is often essential to the care of the patient. Their positioning in surgery can aid in accessibility and visibility of a certain area that a procedure is being performed upon. Positioning can also affect the respiration or blood flow of a patient as well! My classmates and I collaborated to create a slideshow presentation that highlighted sixteen different positions, when they are used, and why they are used. We filled this slideshow with pictures of each of us demonstrating these positions in our lab! Below you may find the different positions we demonstrated.
Semi Fowlers
High Fowlers
Reverse Trendelenberg
Sims (Lateral Recumbant)
Dorsal Recumbant
Knee to Chest
Sitting / Seated
Seated leaning forward
Standing / Standing while leaning on bed