Today, Wednesday February 16, Senior Biomed III student, Ella Bryant, visited our class to discuss Athletic Training. She presented our class with a scenario in which athletic training would be required. In this scenario, 17 year old senior basketball player, Jackson, jumped up for a rebound before coming down and injuring his ankle. It is deduced that the athlete had a sprained ankle. Treatment for the sprained ankle consists of a four step process known as RICE
-ice the injury every 2-3 hours
-to decrease swelling
E: Elevate
Next, we discussed the 3 Grade Levels of Sprains and how, at an Orthopedic Office, an injury is classified into one of these Levels. Doctor's will use a X-Ray, and in some cases, a MRI for this classification.
3 Grade Levels of Sprains
Occurs when ligaments are stretched beyond the normal limit, but not torn
Most common; occurs when the ligament is partially torn
Most severe; occurs when the ligament is completely torn.
Lastly, Ella showed us how we may tape an shin splint using 2 pieces of KT tape.
Before leaving Ella also gave us a sheet of paper informing one how to tape an ankle in 9 steps.
Ankle Taping
gather materials
use pre-wrap to wrap the ankle
place two anchors of athletic tape at either end of the pre-wrap
add "stirrups" of athletic tape
close up all areas of pre-wrap
create a figure 8 with the tape
tape around the heel for a "heel-lock"
complete another figure 8
close up any other areas of tape
As an athlete, I found Ella's presentation quite interesting and would like to go deeper into the subject of Orthopedic Medicine.